Thai Massage During Pregnancy

Thinking of two can be anerve-wracking responsibility.

With so much information on do’s and don’ts, it becomes difficult to decide on which path to follow. You simply feel like throwing your hands up in the air and relaxing. You have to ensure at all times that your baby is relaxed too. There is no better way of doing this than going to a spa. Pregnancy is the most precious time in a woman’s life and she not only requires but also deserves a lot of pampering.

Although others consider it tobe something ordinary, only the mum-to-be knows that it comes with a lot of hardships. Pregnancy brings along nausea, morning sickness, heartburn,tiredness, stress and tired muscles. Increased weight and ailments related toit cannot be ignored. The blood pressure fluctuates due to hormonal imbalance. Insomnia leads to increased stress and anxiety.

To combat all the above ailments there is just one solution ‘SPA’. I am sure that this very word itself relaxes the mind and the body.
In fact Thai massage during pregnancy can alleviate a lot of difficulties and help you enjoy this golden period. Although the list is long, here is a list offew benefits of Thai massage during pregnancy.

Thai massage relaxes tired muscles

The correct pressure at the correct point acts like magic. The mom feels relaxed and mesmerised. The tiredmuscles of the lower back, neck, shoulders and legs are taken special care of. The cramps are also eased due to increased blood flow and circulation.

Thai massage helps better sleep

Mums to be can suffer from alack of sleep. This may be due to mental or physical fatigue.A mum always thinks about the health of her unborn child. Improper sleeping positions can also be the cause of insomnia.

Cures a lot of ailments

Many ailments like insomnia,fatigue, migraine, loss of appetite and muscular pain can be relieved by a spatherapy specially designed for mom to be.Thai massage plays a vital role in the functioning of the nervous system. This results in improved sleep,appetite, memory and behaviour. It produces a ‘feel good factor’ and improves the overall development of the unborn child.

Increasesblood circulation

Massage helps in increased blood circulation, which helps pregnant women in a lot of ways. It can also increase the oxygen supply to the unborn child thus ensuring the healthy development of the foetus.