How to Prepare your Skin for Summer

Summer is fastapproaching and our skin will definitely feel the change. Right now is the timeto start taking extra care of it and swapping your skin care to something moresuitable for the summer. Add a little hydration and maximise that sunscreenbecause you will definitely be needing it.


Exfoliating is essential,especially in the summer as it helps to leave your skin looking much healthierand adds a natural glow. During summer it is incredibly easy for our pores tobecome clogged due to the heat, exfoliating will clean them and allow them tobreathe, this prevents break outs and helps to control oil. At Thai Square Spaour therapists recommend using a dissolvable exfoliator, for example one madeof sugar as it will not irritate you.


It’s time to put awayyour winter routine, start a new skin care regime with products that are moreheat and summer friendly. Go for more hydrating and moisturising creams as theywill keep your skin fresh through out the summer, using products that stop orblock oil production can be no good for your skin as it starves your pores fromthe natural oils it needs. If you starve the skin of oils, it will end upproducing even more. Use products with Hyaluronic acid, which holds water andallows the skin to look more vibrant and plump.


Water is your best friendduring summertime, not only for your own personal health benefits but your skinneeds it too. Our skin is made of cells, it is an organ like any other andthose cells are made of water, so naturally it’ll need water to functionproperly. Try drinking two to three litres a day and you will see animprovement within a week, you will look fresh, awake and much healthier.


You should be using thisevery single day whether it is summer or winter. However, it is reallyimportant that use a much higher factor during those hot summer days. UV raysare so powerful and we don’t realise how much harm it causes to our skin. Thesun is really damaging and it’s the number one factor in causing wrinkles,using a strong SPF every day helps to prevent these, we recommend SPF 50 oreven higher if you can.

Following this adviceclosely will make noticeable improvements to your skin overtime. Enjoy yoursummer but remember to keep your skin safe, do not overdue it on the sun. Comein to Thai Square Spa if you’re travelling and have a look at our Treatmentsfor travellers, including a Post Flight Serenity Massage that will get youready to take off straight away. For more treatments, or to book a consultationvisit ThaiSquare Spa or call us on 02078397990